Market Terms

What is Mark to Market Accounting?

Mark to Market Accounting: What Is It?

Put simply, mark to market or fair value accounting refers to the practice of adjusting the book value of an asset on the balance sheet to reflect its current fair market value....

Mark to Market Accounting: What Is It?

Put simply, mark to market or fair value accounting refers to the practice of adjusting the book value of an asset on the balance sheet to reflect its current fair market value....

Book Value of a Stock: How To Calculate It

Book Value for a Company: What Is It, How Do I ...

A company's book value, also known as shareholders' equity, represents the company's theoretical equity value or net worth that would go to its shareholders if all assets were liquidated and...

Book Value for a Company: What Is It, How Do I ...

A company's book value, also known as shareholders' equity, represents the company's theoretical equity value or net worth that would go to its shareholders if all assets were liquidated and...

The Stock Market 20 Percent Rule

The 20 Percent Rule for Listed Securities

The rule is intended to protect shareholders by limiting a company's ability to significantly dilute the economic and voting interests of existing shareholders without their approval.

The 20 Percent Rule for Listed Securities

The rule is intended to protect shareholders by limiting a company's ability to significantly dilute the economic and voting interests of existing shareholders without their approval.

activist short sellers

Activist Short Selling

Activist short selling is a strategy where investors identify companies they perceive as overvalued or fraudulent, and take a short position, betting on a decline in stock price.

Activist Short Selling

Activist short selling is a strategy where investors identify companies they perceive as overvalued or fraudulent, and take a short position, betting on a decline in stock price.

SLAPP Lawsuits

SLAPP Lawsuits - Should Activists Short Sellers...

Knowledgeable activist short sellers should anticipate potential SLAPP lawsuits, understand anti-SLAPP laws as a defense, and weigh risks of lawsuits into analyses.

SLAPP Lawsuits - Should Activists Short Sellers...

Knowledgeable activist short sellers should anticipate potential SLAPP lawsuits, understand anti-SLAPP laws as a defense, and weigh risks of lawsuits into analyses.

what are master limited partnerships

Master Limited Partnerships (MLP's)

MLPs allow individual investors to gain exposure to real asset partnerships while providing tax efficiencies, high income potential, and public market liquidity. But they also carry sector concentration and tax...

Master Limited Partnerships (MLP's)

MLPs allow individual investors to gain exposure to real asset partnerships while providing tax efficiencies, high income potential, and public market liquidity. But they also carry sector concentration and tax...